Vénérable Marie-Françoise des Cinq Plaies
née le 29 mars 1900 à Édimbourg (Écosse)
morte le 24 novembre 1925 à Warley (Essex, Angleterre)
Prière pour la béatification de la
Vénérable Margaret Sinclair
Seigneur Jésus, qui avez doté Votre humble et toujours souriante vierge Margaret Sinclair, d'une part de Vos souffrances et de Votre zèle pour le Salut des hommes, accordez-nous, par sa glorification, d'avoir part à Votre Gloire, ô Dieu, qui vivez et régnez dans tous les siècles et les siècles. Ainsi soit-il !
Trois "Je Vous salue Marie", suivis de l'invocation : "Margaret Sinclair, priez pour nous".
Source : http://imagessaintes.canalblog.com
Margaret (au milieu) avec son prère et sa soeur
Litanies de la Vénérable Margaret Sinclair
Margaret, tu as vécu une vie de Foi ; inspire-moi, prie pour moi.
Tu t’es abandonnée dans la prière ; inspire-moi, prie pour moi.
Tu as été généreuse envers ceux qui t’entouraient ; inspire-moi, prie pour moi.
Tu étais vêtue d’humilité ; inspire-moi, prie pour moi.
Tu as travaillé pour la justice ; inspire-moi, prie pour moi.
Tu as montré de la compassion pour les nécessiteux ; inspire-moi, prie pour moi.
Tu désirais sauver les âmes ; inspire-moi, prie pour moi.
Tu chérissais l’Eucharistie ; inspire-moi, prie pour moi.
Tu as honoré notre Très Sainte Mère ; inspire-moi, prie pour moi.
Tu as offert ta vie pour Dieu ; inspire-moi, prie pour moi.
Tu as uni tes souffrances à celles du Christ ; inspire-moi, prie pour moi.
Tu languissais après les joies du Ciel ; inspire-moi, prie pour moi.
Margaret, écoute ma prière sincère,
Prie Dieu avec moi et pour moi, de sorte que,
Si c’est la Très Sainte Volonté de Dieu,
Ma prière soit exaucée,
Et que je puisse vivre dans la Grâce de Dieu pour toujours.
Traduction libre de l’anglais par Patrick ROBLES le vendredi 13 mai 2016.
Margaret Sinclair, a diamond in the dump
Margaret à 16 ans
Prayers and novenas
Margaret Sinclair is a Handmaid of God.
Three Hail Mary's, and the Invocation "Margaret Sinclair, pray for us".
Prayer For Her Beatification
Let us pray, O Lord Jesus Christ,
Who didst endow Thy lowly and ever cheerful virgin,
Margaret Sinclair, with a share in Thy sufferings
and in Thy zeal for the salvation of men,
grant that through her glorification,
we too may arrive at a share in Thy glory,
who livest and reignest, God, world without end. Amen.
Cum licentia Ordinarü. + D. Mackintosh,
Archiepiscopus Glasguensis. Glasguce, 25 Octobris, 1926.
Novena Prayers for the
Beatification and Canonisation
of Venerable Margaret Sinclair,
Sister Mary Francis of the Five Wounds
For private use at home
Opening Hymn
1. Margaret, our kin, our sister and our neighbour,
One of our own, you walked our streets and closes,
Now at your shrine we celebrate your resting
At home among us.
2. Here in this church you knelt in adoration;
In the Lord’s presence offering your praises,
Eager to meet your God and be united
In sweet Communion.
3. Margaret, we praise your life of quiet witness,
Following Jesus in your daily living,
Bringing His love and presence to the work-place:
Showing His goodness.
4. In death you shared the Passion of Our Saviour,
Bearing your pain with cheerfulness and patience.
In His Five Wounds you sought your inspiration
To remain faithful.
5. Almighty Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
To You we pray that Margaret may be worthy
Soon to be numbered with Your Saints in glory,
Singing Your praises.
Sign Of The Cross.
Opening Prayer
O God, You called Margaret Sinclair to holiness of life,
that she might love and serve You.
I call out to You in the communion of Saints
seeking Your mercy and Your help.
Through the prayers of the Venerable Margaret,
grant me Your grace and an answer to my prayer.
Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Jesus answered them, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.
Very truly, I tell you, unless a wheat grain falls into the earth and dies,
it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.
Those who love their life lose it,
and those who hate their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
Whoever serves Me must follow Me, and where I am, there will My servant be also.
Whoever serves Me, the Father will honour. (John 12:23-26)
(Pause For Silent Prayer.)
Address To Margaret.
Margaret Sinclair, the Church honours you as Venerable,
for your holiness of life, dedication to prayer and fortitude in suffering.
You always kept in mind those who were in need:
do not forget me in my need, as I ask for your help.
Intercede for me, hear my prayer:
(Here State Your Intention.)
Pray to God for me, for myself and those whom I love today and always. Amen.
Margaret, you lived a life of faith.
R. Inspire me, pray for me.
You gave yourself in prayer.
You were generous to those around you.
You were clothed in humility.
You worked for justice.
You showed compassion to the needy.
You desired to save souls.
You treasured the Eucharist.
You honoured Our Blessed Lady.
You offered your life to God.
You united your sufferings to Christ.
You longed for the joys of heaven.
Margaret, hear my heartfelt prayer, pray with me and for me to God,
that if it be God’s most Holy Will,
my request may be granted, and that I may live in God’s grace always. Amen.
Prayer for the Beatification
of Margaret Sinclair
God Our Father, Your image and likeness in each of us is obscured by sin,
and restored by Your Son, Jesus Christ.
In Margaret Sinclair, We see the fruits of the Redemption He won for us,
and are inspired to a life of grace.
Grant that she may be recognised by Your Church as a Saint,
whose life we may imitate, whose devotion to prayer We may emulate
whose union with Your Son we may attain.
We ask this through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Closing Prayers.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be…
A Child’s Prayer
Margaret Sinclair, God’s cheerful Servant on earth,
help me to imitate the virtues which made you a
great friend of Jesus and His Blessed Mother.
Please grant a sign that you are a Saint in heaven by
obtaining for me the favour which I now most earnestly request.
(Here tell Margaret your request.)
Margaret Sinclair, hard-working girl - Servant of God, pray for us. Amen.
Notification Of Favours And Cures
Details of all favours and cures received through the
intercession of the Venerable Margaret Sinclair should be reported to the
Archbishop's Delegate for the Cause of the Venerable Margaret Sinclair.
Reverend Joseph McAuley
Saint Brendan
187 Kelso Street
G13 4BH
United Kingdom.
Source: http://whitelyonfilms.com
Notre Père en écossais gaélique
Sister Mary Francis of the Five Wounds (the Venerable Margaret Sinclair) is a humble little violet in the Garden of God.
Sister Mary Francis of the Five Wounds (Margaret Sinclair) would have been accustomed within the Poor Clare Cloister, when requesting the use of something, or needing a specific permission to say to Mother Abbess, or another sister ... "I humbly beg ..."
'Could I humbly beg to ask Sister M some soap'?
'Dear Sister, could I humbly beg you to help me get that box off the shelf'?
A request is always, courteously, preceded by, "could I humbly beg ..."
Likewise as a sister who' served outside the monastery', that is a sister designated to go out and quest for food and alms for the community, on approaching others, Sister Mary Francis would have said, "Could I humbly beg if you have any unwanted food, or damaged goods for the Community of Poor Clare's that you would be able to give for the love of God?"
A Poor Clare sister is ever mindful that she lives and exists on the Providence of God, that everything is a gift. She is aware that she is always a beggar before God, reaching out her hands in expectation that God will provide, both for all temporal needs and for all the needs of her soul, and those of others. This attitude creates a wonderful, blessed dependence upon God.
We have nothing, we come into this world with nothing and we will leave it with the love carried in our hearts alone...
Saint Francis and Saint Clare of all the brothers and sisters loved and reverenced those who went out upon the quest, as beggars, for they epitomised what Francis and Clare truly believed the Friars Minor and the poor sisters should be, joyful beggars before the Lord.
'I humbly beg ... when approaching another's also shows a respect for the other, and preserves charity ...
The Venerable Margaret Sinclair must of asked this a thousand times over ...
Love and courtesy go hand in hand ...
Place yourself in the presence of the Lord, cup your two hands together, as a beggars bowl and ask the Lord to fill you ...
He knows your needs, and He will provide ....
A Poor Clare Colettine Nun
Source: Boston Catholic Journal
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