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  • : In hoc signo vinces. Parousie by ROBLES Patrick
  • : Blog Parousie de Patrick ROBLES (Montbéliard, Franche-Comté, France)
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  • Patrick ROBLES
  • Dominus pascit me, et nihil mihi deerit. Le Seigneur est mon berger : je ne manquerai de rien. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. El Señor es mi pastor, nada me falta. L'Eterno è il mio pastore, nulla mi mancherà. O Senhor é o meu pastor; de nada terei falta. Der Herr ist mein Hirte; mir wird nichts mangeln. Господь - Пастырь мой; я ни в чем не буду нуждаться. اللهُ راعِيَّ، فلَنْ يَنقُصَنِي شَيءٌ (Ps 23,1)
  • Dominus pascit me, et nihil mihi deerit. Le Seigneur est mon berger : je ne manquerai de rien. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. El Señor es mi pastor, nada me falta. L'Eterno è il mio pastore, nulla mi mancherà. O Senhor é o meu pastor; de nada terei falta. Der Herr ist mein Hirte; mir wird nichts mangeln. Господь - Пастырь мой; я ни в чем не буду нуждаться. اللهُ راعِيَّ، فلَنْ يَنقُصَنِي شَيءٌ (Ps 23,1)

Translation. Traduzione


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23 mai 2013 4 23 /05 /mai /2013 05:44





Panis angelicus

Corpus Christi

Saint Thomas d'Aquin


Sacris solemniis

iuncta sint gaudia,

et ex praecordiis

sonent praeconia;

recedant vetera,

nova sint omnia,

corda, voces, et opera.


Noctis recolitur

cena novissima,

qua Christus creditur

agnum et azyma

dedisse fratribus,

iuxta legitima

priscis indulta patribus.


Post agnum typicum,

expletis epulis,

Corpus Dominicum

datum discipulis,

sic totum omnibus,

quod totum singulis,

eius fatemur manibus.


Dedit fragilibus

corporis ferculum,

dedit et tristibus

sanguinis poculum,

dicens: Accipite

quod trado vasculum;

omnes ex eo bibite.


Sic sacrificium

istud instituit,

cuius officium

committi voluit

solis presbyteris,

quibus sic congruit,

ut sumant, et dent ceteris.


Panis angelicus

fit panis hominum;

dat panis caelicus

figuris terminum;

O res mirabilis:

manducat Dominum

pauper, servus et humilis.


Le pain des anges

devient le pain des hommes.

Le pain du ciel

met un terme aux symboles.

Ô chose admirable !

Il mange son Seigneur,

le pauvre, le serviteur, le petit.


Te, trina Deitas

unaque, poscimus:

sic nos tu visita,

sicut te colimus;

per tuas semitas

duc nos quo tendimus,

ad lucem quam inhabitas.


Dieu Trinité

en Un, nous te le demandons :

daigne, par ta visite,

répondre à nos hommages.

Par tes voies, conduis-nous

au but où nous tendons,

à la lumière où tu demeures.

Ainsi soit-il !















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Panis angelicus

The angelic Bread


At this our solemn feast

let holy joys abound,

and from the inmost breast

let songs of praise resound;

let ancient rites depart,

and all be new around,

in every act, and voice, and heart.


Remember we that eve,

when, the Last Supper spread,

Christ, as we all believe,

the Lamb, with leavenless bread,

among His brethren shared,

and thus the Law obeyed,

of all unto their sire declared.


The typic Lamb consumed,

the legal Feast complete,

the Lord unto the Twelve

His Body gave to eat;

the whole to all, no less

the whole to each did mete

with His own hands, as we confess.


He gave them, weak and frail,

His Flesh, their Food to be;

on them, downcast and sad,

His Blood bestowed He:

and thus to them He spake,

"Receive this Cup from Me,

and all of you of this partake."


So He this Sacrifice

to institute did will,

and charged His priests alone

that office to fulfill:

tn them He did confide:

to whom it pertains still

to take, and the rest divide.


Thus Angels' Bread is made

the Bread of man today:

the Living Bread from heaven

with figures dost away:

O wondrous gift indeed!

the poor and lowly may

upon their Lord and Master feed.


Thee, therefore, we implore,

o Godhead, One in Three,

so may Thou visit us

as we now worship Thee;

and lead us on Thy way,

That we at last may see

the light wherein Thou dwellest aye.


Sacris Solemniis, At This Our Solemn Feast

St. Thomas Aquinas






Friar Alessandro - Panis Angelicus























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