Anna Katharina Emmerick
Prière à la Bienheureuse
Dieu Miséricordieux,
Tu as appelé la Bienheureuse Anne-Catherine Emmerick
à lier profondément sa vie à la Croix de Jésus-Christ.
Tout ce qu'elle a enduré et souffert,
ses propres tourments comme la souffrance de ce monde,
elle les a remis avec confiance entre Tes Mains.
Par l'intercession des Bienheureux,
relie-nous plus intensément, par l'Esprit Saint,
au Mystère de Ton Amour,
afin de gagner notre Vie Éternelle
avec confiance et force.
Nous T'en prions par le Christ,
notre Seigneur.
Prière traduite de l'allemand.
Chaleureux remerciements à Gilbert Foucault, chercheur pour A.C.E. (Anne-Catherine Emmerick), pour sa précieuse collaboration, ses travaux passionnants et ses recherches exhaustives.
Les visions mystiques de la
Bienheureuse Anne-Catherine Emmerick
Intercessory prayer to
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
Oh great holy follower of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich,
who was endowed with extraordinary gifts from God
including seeing the Past, Present
and Future History of the Catholic Church,
reading the troubled hearts of souls,
prophesying future events of the Catholic Church
and enduring great suffering including the Holy Stigmata,
so that many souls could be drawn toward the Holy Presence of God
and enter into Heaven for all eternity,
we sinners beseech you to listen to our prayer requests today
(make your prayer request).
We know that Almighty God hears your voice.
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, intercede with God today
for this prayer petition in the Name of Our Precious Lord Jesus Christ
and through the intercession of His Blessed Mother Mary.
The Passion of the Christ from the Visions
of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
Prayer Chaplet to
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
How to pray the chaplet:
The chaplet is prayed on the 5 decade rosary. Each decade represents one of the five holy marks bore by Blessed Emmerich (the four stigmata on the head, hands, feet, and side, plus the crosses on her chest).
Begin on the crucifix, pray the OUR FATHER. Move to the next large bead, pray the ACT OF CHARITY:
O my God, I love you above all things with my whole heart and soul because you are all good and worthy of all my love.
I love my neighbor as myself for the love of you.
I forgive all who have injured me and ask pardon of all whom I have injured. Amen.
Move to the next set of three beads, pray three GLORY BE's. On the next large bead, pray the ACT OF CHARITY.
On the medal, pray:
We turn to you for protection, holy Mother of God. Listen to our prayers and help us in our needs. Save us from every danger, glorious and Blessed Virgin.
On each bead of each decade, pray:
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
On each large bead, pray the ACT OF CHARITY.
Once all five decades are complete, on the medal pray:
O, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, devout and pious follower of Christ, who patiently endured the frailty of this mortal condition, who humbly received the honorable marks of Christ Jesus on your hands, feet, side, head, and chest, the marks which you were blessed by the Lord to witness for yourself in His own sufferings; we graciously ask for your intercession with God, that we sinners may be forgiven of our sins and be drawn more completely into spiritual communion with Christ Our Lord and Saviour. We ask this in the Name of the Most Holy Lamb of God and through the intercession of Holy Mary, Our Mother.
After this prayer, proceed back down the chord. On the large bead, pray the ACT OF CHARITY. Pray three GLORY BEs on the three small beads.
Pray another ACT OF CHARITY.
Pray the OUR FATHER on the crucifix again.
Gebet zur Seligen Anna Katharina Emmerick
Barmherziger Gott,
du hast die selige Anna
Katharina Emmerick berufen,
ihr Leben zutiefst mit dem Kreuz
Jesu Christi zu verbinden.
Alles, was sie bewegt und geschmerzt hat,
ihre eigenen Qualen wie das Leid dieser Welt,
hat sie vertrauensvoll in deine Hände gelegt.
Auf die Fürsprache der Seligen verbinde du uns
durch deinen Hl. Geist immer tiefer
mit dem Geheimnis deiner Liebe,
damit wir daraus Zuversicht und Kraft
für unser Leben gewinnen.
Darum bitten wir dich durch Christus,
Unseren Herrn.