Dominus pascit me, et nihil mihi deerit. Le Seigneur est mon berger : je ne manquerai de rien. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. El Señor es mi pastor, nada me falta. L'Eterno è il mio pastore, nulla mi mancherà. O Senhor é o meu pastor; de nada terei falta. Der Herr ist mein Hirte; mir wird nichts mangeln. Господь - Пастырь мой; я ни в чем не буду нуждаться. اللهُ راعِيَّ، فلَنْ يَنقُصَنِي شَيءٌ (Ps 23,1)
Père céleste, je crois en les paroles de Votre Fils bien-aimé, Jésus : « Demandez, et l’on vous donnera ; chercherez, et vous trouverez ; frappez et l’on vous ouvrira*. »
Je viens me confier à Vous.
Je suis vivant grâce à Vous et je vis pour faire Votre Volonté.
Votre serviteur, le Père Théophane, a prié pour les nécessiteux et Vous les avez réconfortés avec Vos bénédictions.
Par son intercession, je prie pour obtenir cette bénédiction particulière.....
Accordez-moi la grâce de vivre une vie d'amour et de service jusqu’à la fin de mes jours.
Daignez m’exaucer par Jésus-Christ, notre Seigneur. Amen.
Le Père Théophane porte le titre de Serviteur de Dieu depuis l’ouverture de sa Cause en béatification pour vertus héroïques (CSS n° 2767, nihil obstat le 11 mai 2007).
Le postulateur de sa Cause est le Frère capucin Carlo CALLONI.
La requête a été introduite par la Province Capucine de Saint François d’Assise de Kochi (ou « Cochin », Inde) :
Capuchin Province of St. Francis of Assisi
P.B. No. 2108
Cochin University P.O.
Kochi 682 022
Kerala, INDIA
Pour toute information, s’adresser à la Guilde (Confrérie) du Père Théophane, de l’Ashram Capucin de Ponnurunni (Kérala, Inde) :
Fr. Theophane! More than Five decades have passed since his death. Yet the spiritual power and influence this holy Capuchin sage has over thousands of sorrowing human hearts have not the least diminished, rather have ever been intensified and widespread since his death. Etymologically 'Theophin' means the Divine Manifestation.
Tel : (+91) 0484 6570 223
Email :
The Well Of Wisdom - His Sermons
"The sermons of Fr. Theophane were often simple, brief and matter of fact; he had an unusual gift of speech to lift his listeners to the heights of lofty thoughts." (Rt. Rev. Dr. Hippolitus Kunnumkal)
"As a preacher of mission retreats, Fr. Theophane's words had a power to purify the listeners' hearts as if in the burning heat of a crucible… He had employed 'word-economy' in his speeches; and he spoke only what was necessary and essential." (Ignatius Gonsalves)
"Fr.Theophane had an ability to speak to anyone about any topic. His eloquence had a power to captivate the audience. His talks were enriched with bits of jokes and witty remarks. He could keep seriousness while he made his audience laugh". (Fr. Fulgens)
SOMETHING EXTRAORDINARY (The miracles of Fr. Theophane)
Brother Bartholomew Capuchin, Ponnurunni:
Once the bull in our monastery went violent and chased our cow-man in order to attack him. The cow-man, David climbed on a coconut tree to save himself, while the angry bull looked on standing under the tree. Fr. Theophane was informed and when he came he called the bull by a wave of his hand. The bull went to him with the obedience of a school child. Father told him to go to the shed and the bull calmly obeyed!
Varghese karukappily, Maradu:
While the construction works of the Ponnurunni Ashram was in progress with the help of the donations of the natives, Fr. Theophane used to visit houses with the purpose of a mendicant. In one of those visits he happened to go to the house of a non-Christian. The big dog in the house was left free meanwhile. It came forth furiously and got hold of the habit of Father attempting a bite. The household seemed unconcerned of this. Then Fr. Theophane commanded the dog: "Sit down!" Immediately, as if by some spell, the dog sat there. By evening, Father reached the monastery after visiting many houses. He found the owner of the dog waiting for him very much perplexed. He said that the dog is still sitting at the spot where Father had commanded. He begged pardon for their arrogance and indecency. With a smile Fr. Theophane consoled him and said that it would get up and go after a while.
Mary Paily:
Mary's husband was bed-ridden as he was suffering from cancer. Learning about his sufferings, After Theophane came to Mary's home, consoled him and prayed for him. Meanwhile Father noticed a mango-tree in the yard and said: "You must cut it down!" Mary replied that they had no right to do so because they were tenants. Then Father said as a prophecy: Never mind, it will die out by itself!" For their great wonder, after a few days the tree began to dry out and eventually it fell down without causing any harm to anyone.
The spirit of service and availability that was typical of Fr. Theophane's character is still lived out in our organizations with the motives of social welfare. They are:
1. Theophane Seva Samidhi: This organisation functions with the motive of social service.
2. Theophane Marana Fund: This organisation provides with monetary assistance for the funeral functions of the members.
3. Theophane Vivaha Nidhi : It makes generous contributions for the expenses of the marriage of poor girls.
4. Theophane Guild : It was formed on 18th of June 1992, V. Rev. Fr. Leny Konnully, the then Provincial as its President, Fr. Wilfred Prasadam and Fr. Irvin James as its director and Asst.director respectively. Its prime aim is the promotion of the cause of Fr. Theophane. It also deals with the matters concerning the Theophane Samadhi by supplying pious articles, the sacramentals and the related materials. The subscription of the Manushyasnehi magazine is also provided here.
No one who has met Fr. Theophane once has been able to forget him. Such was his enthralling personality. Hundreds of people have their testimonies and memories of this venerable religious. Among them a few are selected and included: Brother Lazar from Calvary Ashram, Trichur:
I can never forget his warm and loving smile!
Brother Ejidius from Loreto Ashram, Muvattupuzha:
When I joined the monastery, I felt no sorrow or loneliness because of the love and warmth of Fr. Theophane's presence. He extended his kindness to the poor and the sorrowful. He helped in the kitchen by washing the plates and cleaning the fish. He was a dedicated confessor and a well-known retreat preacher. He preached more by his life than by his lips and tongue. His spirit of poverty and mortification was the source of his forceful preaching. He slept minimum and he ate minimum; but he was ever ready to do any service to others. Fr. Fulgens O.F.M. Cap, addresses Fr. Theophane 'the Chief Justice of Kerala Capuchin Mission and says:
There was no quarrel or misunderstanding or transfer-dispute that was not solved by Fr. Theophane. Everyone, whether it be the senior priest or the junior priest or the parishioners, accepted the judgements and decisions of Father. In Narakkal, he solved a hundred-year old case.
Rev. Dr. Daniel D' Souza from Holy Family Clinic, Brahmvar, Karnataka:
One thing he could never tolerate was injustice. Equally he hated hypocrisy. Hence, some rich men of Kottagiri found him annoying. But, the poor always flocked around him.
'Theo Books' is a Ponnurunni-based publishing centre which has already succeeded in carving out an identity in the publication field of spiritual literature.
A spiritual literary magazine is published from the Theophane Guild every month. It was started in 1991 as a booklet by Fr. Wilfred Prasadam,. 'Manushyasnehi' has achieved a unique identity in the field of Christian Spiritual Magazines ever since Fr. Bobby Jose has taken over the charge of the Editor. It is highly appreciated and widely read among the clergy, the common people and the secular readers alike. Profound spiritual reflections in beautiful literary language is the hallmark of 'Manushyasnehi'.Every day we are getting new subscriptions. The book is sent to all over India from the office. It is also taken to foreign counties. ADDRESS
KOCHI - 682019.
PH - 0484-2344378
The Scent of a Holy Death (THE THEOPHANE SAMADHI)
A beautiful shrine is built around the holy sepulchre of Fr.Theophane. The sepulchre stands with an epitaph “Fr. Theophane, the selfless Sage who held high the torch of smile by embracing every man in agony, is still here, waiting for men". Hundreds of people gather here everyday individually and in group to pray and pour out their sorrows; never can we find the shrine empty. The ever-burning candles and the ever-living prayer atmosphere are the hallmark of the Samadhi. People of all age and from all walks of life gather here - the youth, the aged, the students, the mothers, the learned, the illiterate, the elite, the rich, the poor and so on…Everybody returns comforted! It shows the deep bond of faith they have in their Veliyachan. On every Monday at 6.15 a.m there is Holy Mass. It is followed by the novena. At 5 p.m. there is holy hour and novena. It is followed by the holy mass. Hundreds of faithful flock together for the Intercessory Prayers Service. These prayers are enriched with simple rituals and group songs.
Petitions of the people and the thanksgivings for the favours received are read out during the prayer. Besides, a special Mass integrated with intercessory prayers is celebrated on every second Saturday at 10 a.m. A thanksgiving Mass is offered on the last day of the month. Please report the favours received with your signature and full address. Almost every day we get reports about miracles. Every day we interview the devoties who receive special favours through the intercession of the Servent of God. When we open the samadhi at 5.15 a.m. every day some devoties will be waiting outside in order to enter the samadhi. Even at 10.30 p.m. devoties are there to pray in the samadhi. The whole day there will be somebody in prayer in the samadhi,if not a group. Thus the samadhi is emerging as a growing pilgrimage center.
PH- 0484-2344378
Fr. Theophane! More than Five decades have passed since his death. Yet the spiritual power and influence this holy Capuchin sage has over thousands of sorrowing human hearts have not the least diminished, rather have ever been intensified and widespread since his death. Etymologically 'Theophin' means the Divine Manifestation. He revealed God in his words, deeds and thoughts to everyone he came across during his lifetime. Even though he is no more in this world in flesh and blood, his worthy spirit prevalent among the believers goes on revealing the love and compassion of God to every sorrowing soul approaching his tomb at Ponnurunni. Miracles shower. Hymns of gratitude are ever chanted. Faith and spirituality flourish. Prayer goes on unceasingly…God is ever manifest! Welcome to the wonderful world of the Servant of God 'Fr. Theophane'.
Ever since the passing away of Fr. Theophane 1969, people used to gather and began to commemorate his death. The common banquet was organized by Fr. Theophane Smaraka Seva Samithi. In the course of time, it took the nature of a common holy feast. Money and the required provisions are provided by the people of the locality from every walk of life irrespective of religion or caste. The food items are prepared by the volunteeres, men and women of the locality, on the previous day. Thousands of people gather here for the grand Anniversary Feast. The Feast is celebrated on April 4th every year. The Silver Jubilee of the death of Fr. Theophane was celebrated in 1993 in a grand-scale by the Theophane Guild and Seva Sangham. Several non-Christians too were included in the committee for the celebration. On 4th April 2006 it was counted systematically and found that more than 20,000 people partook of the lunch which was blessed by Very Rev.Fr.Godwin Gama O.F.M.Cap. ,the provincial. His Grace Rt. Rev.Msgr Daniel Acharuparambil, the Arch.Bishop of Varapoly Celebrated the Holy Mass.The preparations went a head more than a month.About hundred people took pains to prepare every thing for the celebration. Dozens of people worked whole day and night in front of the church for the preparations on the 3rd April.People were lined up from the high way to the Ashram Ground. The free meal was served from morning till evening.
In the year 2000, the then Provoncial V.Rev. Fr. Godwin Gama made a request to Most. Rev. Dr. Daniel Acharuparambil, the Archbishop of Verapoly to initiate the cause of Fr. Theophane . It was approved by the Senate of the priests and Msgr. Joy Kalathiparambil(The present bishop of Calicut ) was entrusted with it official charge. Fr. Bobby Jose was appointed as the Vice-Postulator in 2005, and a Historical Commission was formed, with Fr. Andrews OFM Cap as the Convenor, and Dr. Francis Pereparambil and Dr. Stephen Alathara as the members. The members of the commission met together with the Vice-Postulator. The resolutions of the meetings were carried out. And it was made known to the Archbishop of Verapoly. The various documents and the writings are being systematized and processed by the historical commission. The huge spade work is being done for the constitution of the tribunal.
95th Birthday Celebrations of the Servant of God Fr.Theophane in Capuchin Ashram, Ponnurunni on Sunday 20th July 2008
We started the novena at 6.00 p.m. At 6.30 p.m. Fr. Mendez who lived with Fr.Theophane for 81/2 years started to light” Deepashigha ” from the tomb of Fr.Theophane. Fr.Babu, the Asst.Superior blessed the ” Deepashigha ”. Fr.Bosco received the ” Deepashigha ” from Fr.Mendez and gave it to Fr. John Baptisd, the Provincial who officially lit the ”Deepashigha”. As usual there were plenty of lamps lit by the devotees. The whole compound of the ashram was full of lights.
Fr. Binoy gave introduction for the Mass. Fr. Provincial was the main celebrant and he gave the homily. Fr.Babu Asst. Superior thanked every one.
Birthday Celebration at Kottappuram; distribution of Award On the 3rd August : It was Mr. Wilson who took financial initiative for the distribution of Award. At the state level K.C.Y.M with its Spiritual Director Fr.Jaison efficiently organized the programme of ” Deepashigha ” and Distribution of Award. During the general meeting the award was distributed.
They also distributed 15, 000 leaflets in 9 churches and in the Cathedral. On the 3rd August Fr. Jaison and the core group members arrived at Capuchin Ashram. Fr. Jaison gave the introduction at 7.30 a.m. Fr. Robin, the Superior, the nephew lit the ” Deepashigha ” from the tomb. The priests, the seminarians, the youth, the catechism staff and students and other people who came to the church were present for these functions. Fr. Robin officially lit the ” Deepa shigha ” in the jeep that was kept in front of the church. On the way in 9 churches the ” Deepashigha ” was welcomed. The” Deepashigha ” reached at kottappuram cathedral at 2.45 p.m. at 3.00 p.m. the Mass started. after the Mass there was tea for everybody. Afterwards there was the general meeting during which the award was distributed by His Excellency Rt. Rev.Dr. Francis Kallarakkal the Bishop of Kottappuram. to Mr. Tomy Mathew, the Director of Divya Rakshakalayam, Thodupuzha. Fr. Joseph Pazhambasseriyil, the Vicar Provincial, Egie Parappatt and several others made felicitation speeches.
6നീയോ പ്രാർത്ഥിക്കുമ്പോൾ അറയിൽ കടന്നു വാതിൽ അടെച്ചു രഹസ്യത്തിലുള്ള നിന്റെ പിതാവിനോടു പ്രാർത്ഥിക്ക; രഹസ്യത്തിൽ കാണുന്ന നിന്റെ പിതാവു നിനക്കു പ്രതിഫലം തരും. 7പ്രാർത്ഥിക്കയിൽ നിങ്ങൾ ജാതികളെപ്പോലെ ജല്പനം ചെയ്യരുതു; അതിഭാഷണത്താൽ ഉത്തരം കിട്ടും എന്നല്ലോ അവർക്കു തോന്നുന്നതു. 8അവരോടു തുല്യരാകരുതു; നിങ്ങൾക്കു ആവശ്യമുള്ളതു ഇന്നതെന്നു നിങ്ങൾ യാചിക്കുംമുമ്പെ നിങ്ങളുടെ പിതാവു അറിയുന്നുവല്ലോ. 9നിങ്ങൾ ഈവണ്ണം പ്രാർത്ഥിപ്പിൻ: സ്വർഗ്ഗസ്ഥനായ ഞങ്ങളുടെ പിതാവേ, നിന്റെ നാമം വിശുദ്ധീകരിക്കപ്പെടേണമേ; 10നിന്റെ രാജ്യം വരേണമേ; നിന്റെ ഇഷ്ടം സ്വർഗ്ഗത്തിലെപ്പോലെ ഭൂമിയിലും ആകേണമേ; 11ഞങ്ങൾക്കു ആവശ്യമുള്ള ആഹാരം ഇന്നു തരേണമേ; 12ഞങ്ങളുടെ കടക്കാരോടു ഞങ്ങൾ ക്ഷിമിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നതുപോലെ ഞങ്ങളുടെ കടങ്ങളെ ഞങ്ങളോടും ക്ഷമിക്കേണമേ; 13ഞങ്ങളെ പരീക്ഷയിൽ കടത്താതെ ദുഷ്ടങ്കൽനിന്നു ഞങ്ങളെ വിടുവിക്കേണമേ. രാജ്യവും ശക്തിയും മഹത്വവും എന്നേക്കും നിനക്കുള്ളതല്ലോ.
Prêtre élu de Dieu ; par votre piété, votre humilité, votre dévouement dans le Sacerdoce, adorateur du Sacré-Cœur de Jésus, je suis assuré que vous êtes auprès de Dieu.
Votre gentillesse et vos conseils avisés comme directeur spirituel, pasteur de vos brebis et Père, est inoubliable.
Vous avez été un divin modèle aussi bien pour les saints que pour les pécheurs.
Tous ceux qui venaient faire votre connaissance repartaient revigorés et réconfortés.
Mgr Eyraud, au Nom de Jésus-Christ, le Fils de Dieu ; au Nom de Marie, la Reine du Ciel, daignez entendre aujourd’hui mes intentions particulières..... (précisez vos demandes) et intercédez afin que ma prière soit exaucée, pour la plus grande Gloire de Dieu.
Tout comme le Grand Prêtre Éternel vous a gratifié de ses bénédictions sur terre, je prie pour qu’Il vous choisisse pour amener la paix dans ma vie.
Je Vous salue Marie…, Notre Père…, Gloire au Père…
Ô Seigneur, si c’est Votre Divine Volonté, permettez que Mgr Jean Eyraud soit élevé au rang des Saints de l’Église, afin que d’autres puissent connaître et imiter sa sainte vie.
Les personnes qui obtiendraient des grâces et des miracles par cette prière sont priés d’entrer en contact avec le « Comité de Canonisation » de l’Église Catholique Saint-Pierre (St. Peter) de la ville de « Reserve » en Louisiane, chargé d’instruire la Cause en béatification et canonisation du Serviteur de Dieu, le Père Jean-Martin Zozine Eyraud.
Canonization Committee
St. Peter Catholic Church
1550 Highway 54
P.O. Box 435
Reserve, LA 70048
Traduction libre de la prière en anglais par Patrick ROBLES, à Montbéliard le 27 février 2019.
N.B. : Au moment où Mgr Eyraud couronna la Vierge Pèlerine de Fatima dans son église Saint-Pierre (St. Peter Church) le 31 janvier 1954, un miracle eut lieu d’après de nombreux fidèles.
Le livre en anglais, non traduit en français à ce jour, « Père, The Little Frenchman - The Life and Legacy of the Right Reverend Monsignor Jean M. Eyraud, V.F », de Darlene LaBranche, publié par « Committee for Canonization of Monsignor Jean M. Eyraud » (172 pages, édité aux USA en 1994, réédité en 2002, ASIN : B0006F5TNC), raconte ce prodige :
« Au moment précis où il couronna la tête de la Sainte Vierge, Mgr Eyraud offrit ses 50 ans de sacerdoce et demanda une paix durable dans le monde. À ce moment, il prit conscience qu’il avait mené un combat de 50 années comme soldat de Dieu au service de la paix, cette paix qui éliminera les guerres et les soldats. Il fit donc le geste du couronnement avec une grande joie et un sourire sur les lèvres. Alors, aux dires de plusieurs paroissiens, la Vierge se pencha en avant et lui sourit ».
Chosen priest of God, because of your piety, humility, devotion to duty, Lover of the Sacred heart of Jesus, I believe that you are with God.
Your kindness and guidance as a leader, a shepherd, a father is unforgettable. You have been a Divine model to both saint and sinner. All who came to know you always came away refreshed and comforted.
Msgr. in the Name of Jesus Christ, the son of God, Mary, the Queen of Heaven, listen today to my special needs… (mention them here) and intercede that my request may be granted for the greater glory of God.
As the Eternal High Priest bestowed his blessings on you while on earth, I pray that he will choose you to bring peace in my life.
Hail Mary… Our Father… Glory be…
Oh Lord, if it is your Holy will, please let Msgr. Jean Eyraud be declared a saint of the church so others may know and imitate his holy life.
If after reading about his life and praying for his intercession, a person feels she was granted a miracle through Monsignor Eyraud’s intercession, contact a member of the committee so the miracle may be studied and included in his Cause for Sainthood :
Le Premier ministre @EPhilippePM distingue les lauréats du Prix Ilan Halimi. Félicitations aux jeunes participants. Ils sont la fierté de la France. Contre le venin du racisme et de l’antisémitisme, la République est plus jamais mobilisée
Le postulateur de la Cause est le Père Alfred Bell (S.S.C.C, picpusien).
Henriette Aymer est la cofondatrice de cette Congrégation, la nuit de Noël 1800, avec le Père Pierre Coudrin (1768-1837), "le bon père", portant lui aussi le titre de Serviteur de Dieu, depuis l'introduction de sa cause en béatification, pour vertus héroïques (CSS 540).
Les demandeurs de cette Cause, dont le postulateur est également le Père Alfred Bell, sont :
- Congregazione dei Sacri Cuori, Via Rivarone, 85, 00166 Roma, ITALIA
Vœux de chasteté et d’obéissance d’Henriette Aymer
pendant 1 an, le 20 octobre 1800,
avant ses vœux solennels la nuit de Noël 1800
et la fondation avec le Père Pierre Marie Joseph Coudrin
de la Congrégation des Sacrés-Cœurs de Jésus et de Marie
H (comme Henriette, surmonté d’une croix).
N.S.C.J(Notre Seigneur (le) Christ Jésus).
A(comme Aymer, entrelacé avec le M de Marie).
« Moi, Louise, Victoire, Catherine, Henriette, Monique Aymer, née le 11 du mois d’août (de, en) l’an de grâce (1767 à Saint-Georges-de-Noisné,dans le) diocèse de Poitiers, faisvœu de chasteté et d’obéissance pour un an, et je renouvelle de bon cœur les fermes résolutions que j’ai jamais prises (prises un jour) et qui peuvent être pour le bien.
Je les remets entre les mains de la Sainte Vierge, afin qu’Elle daigne les présenter au Sacré-Cœur de Jésus, son divin Fils, au service duquel je désire me consumer comme ce cierge, selon la règle établie dans cette maison.
Au nom du Père, et du Fils et du S(ain)t-Esprit.
À Poitiers, le 20 du mois d’octobre (de, en) l’an de grâce 1800. »
Vœux recopiés, ponctués, « corrigés » et annotés par Patrick ROBLES, à Montbéliard le 12 février 2019.
Prière pour la béatification
de la Servante de Dieu Henriette Aymer
Dieu notre Père, dans Ta grande bonté et Ta Miséricorde, Tu as appelé Henriette à être témoin de Ton Amour révélé dans les Cœurs de Jésus et de Marie.
En adoration devant le Saint Sacrement, elle a réalisé le besoin de contempler, de vivre et de proclamer Ton Amour dans un monde brisé par la violence et la division.
Avec Pierre Coudrin, elle a fondé la Congrégation des Sacrés Cœurs de Jésus et de Marie et de l’Adoration perpétuelle pour continuer cette mission toujours et partout.
Par son intercession, obtiens-nous la faveur que nous Te demandons….. (nommer la demande).
En Ta grande bonté, fais que l’Église reconnaisse bientôt en elle une authentique témoin de l’Évangile.
Dieu notre Père, Tu as favorisé Sainte Claudine Thévenet de l’expérience intime de Ta bonté miséricordieuse, et Tu l’as appelée à consacrer sa vie à l’éducation des jeunes, lui donnant de puiser dans le Cœur de Ton Fils un zèle ardent pour faire connaître et aimer Jésus et Marie.
Nous Te prions : Fais de nous aussi les témoins de Ton Amour, livrés comme elle à l’action de l’Esprit, attentifs aux besoins de nos frères, surtout des plus démunis, et accorde-nous, par son intercession, à louange de Ta Gloire, la grâce que nous Te demandons…..
Le 12 mars 1863, Sœur Marie du Sacré-Cœur a une vision mystique d'un cadran au centre duquel se trouve le Sacré-Cœur de Jésus.
Elle éprouve l’ardent désir de le dessiner, en inscrivant en haut les paroles : « Gloire ! Amour ! Réparation ! au Coeur de Jésus » et en bas : « Garde d'Honneur du Sacré-Cœur de Jésus ».
Najświętsze Serce Jezusa, źródło życia i świętości, użycz łaski wyniesienia do chwały ołtarzy wielkiej Twojej czcicielki i apostołki, siostry Marii od Najświętszego Serca – Założycielki Straży Honorowej.
Za jej przyczyną proszę o …
Najmiłosierniejsze Serce Jezusa, spraw, aby przykład życia siostry Marii od Najświętszego Serca pomagał mi odnajdywać i wiernie wypełniać świętą wolę Twoją.
Pragnę wynagradzać za grzechy wszystkich ludzi oraz nieustannie wielbić Twoje niezmierzone miłosierdzie i Twoją niepojętą miłość. Amen.
Seigneur, notre Dieu, qui avez ceint ici-bas le jeune front de notre Reine bien-Aimée d’une couronne royale, accordez-lui auprès de Vous l’impérissable couronne des élus.
Que le rayonnement de bonté de son âme immortelle garde le Roi, les enfants du Roi, la Mère du Roi et nous, les sujets du Roi.
Voici nos mains levées, voici nos fronts et nos pensées, voici nos poitrines et nos cœurs ; nous voici tous, tous, dans une promesse d’inviolable fidélité.
† Eerbiedvolle Gedachtenis aan Hare Majesteit Astrid
Koningin der Belgen
Wees in Uwe gebeden indachtig
de ziel van
Hare Majesteit Astrid
Koningin der Belgen
Prinses van Zweden
De zielen der rechtvaardigen zijn in de hand van God, en de kwelling des doods zal hen niet treffen.
Voor de oogen der ongeloovigen schijnen zij te sterven en hun uiteinde was alse en ramp, en hun scheiden van ons, als een ondergang. Doch, zij zijn in vrede en hebben zij ook, in de oogen der menschen geleden, zoo is nochtans hunne hoop met onsterfelijkheid bekroond. (Boek der Wijsheid, III, 1-4).*
O Edele Vorstin, o teernminde Koningin der Belgen, het gansche Vaderland betreurt Uwen plotdelingen dood en weent over het droevig lot van Uwen echtgenoot, onzen duurbaren Koning, en van Uwe lieve Kinderen. Gods raadsbeluiten zijn ondoorgrondelijk en diep buigen wij het hoofd voor Zijn aanbiddelijken Wil. Maar, de kroon die U werd ontnomen hier op arrde, wordt door den Heer vervangen met een onvergankelijke kroon, in den Hemel ! Want, Gij diendet den Heer in vurig gellof en gebed, Gij waart eene trouwe echtgenoote en voorbeeldige moeder ; Gij hebt U eerbiedig en edelmoedig neergebogen over den armen en lijdenden mensch dien, Gij met woord en daad hebt geholpen en opgebeurd. Uwe werken volgen U !
Komt dan, gezegende mijns Vaders, en bezit het rijk dat U is voorbereid.
1. Aimez la justice, vous qui êtes les juges de la terre ; que vos pensées sur le Seigneur soient selon la droiture, et cherchez-le d'un cœur sincère ;
2. car il se laisse trouver par ceux qui ne le tentent point, et il se manifeste à ceux qui se confient à lui.
3. En effet, les pensées perverses séparent de Dieu, et sa puissance, quand on la met à l'épreuve, accuse les insensés.
4.La sagesse n'entre pas dans une âme qui médite le mal, et n'habite pas dans un corps esclave du péché.