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  • : In hoc signo vinces. Parousie by ROBLES Patrick
  • : Blog Parousie de Patrick ROBLES (Montbéliard, Franche-Comté, France)
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  • Patrick ROBLES
  • Dominus pascit me, et nihil mihi deerit. Le Seigneur est mon berger : je ne manquerai de rien. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. El Señor es mi pastor, nada me falta. L'Eterno è il mio pastore, nulla mi mancherà. O Senhor é o meu pastor; de nada terei falta. Der Herr ist mein Hirte; mir wird nichts mangeln. Господь - Пастырь мой; я ни в чем не буду нуждаться. اللهُ راعِيَّ، فلَنْ يَنقُصَنِي شَيءٌ (Ps 23,1)
  • Dominus pascit me, et nihil mihi deerit. Le Seigneur est mon berger : je ne manquerai de rien. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. El Señor es mi pastor, nada me falta. L'Eterno è il mio pastore, nulla mi mancherà. O Senhor é o meu pastor; de nada terei falta. Der Herr ist mein Hirte; mir wird nichts mangeln. Господь - Пастырь мой; я ни в чем не буду нуждаться. اللهُ راعِيَّ، فلَنْ يَنقُصَنِي شَيءٌ (Ps 23,1)

Translation. Traduzione


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Our Lady of Good Help

Notre-Dame de Bon Secours  

(de Bonne Aide)




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Première reconnaissance officielle des Apparitions

de la Sainte-Vierge aux États-Unis


En 1859, la Sainte-Vierge est apparue à une jeune immigrante belge de Wallonie, Marie Adèle Joseph Brice (parfois orthographiée Brise ou Brisé), à Champion (anciennement Robinsonville), dans le Wisconsin.

Adèle Brice avait émigré vers la péninsule de Green Bay, à Red River, avec ses parents et ses 3 frères et soeurs début juin 1855, à l'âge de 24 ans.

La famille avait acheté 240 acres de terre pour s'y établir (environ 971 245 m², soit quelque 97 hectares).




Soeur Marie Adèle Joseph Brice

Fille de Lambert et Marie-Catherine Brice

née le 30 janvier 1831 à Dion-le-Val

Commune de Chaumont-Gistoux, Brabant wallon (Belgique)

morte dans la Chapelle du Sanctuaire le 5 juillet 1896 (USA)



Brabant wallon - Walloon Brabant 1






Épitaphe sur la tombe de Sœur Adèle Brice

près du Sanctuaire


« Sacred Cross

Under Thy shadow I rest and hope

Sister Marie Adele Joseph Brice

Died july 5 1896

At the age of 66 »


« Croix Sacrée,

(Sainte Croix)

sous Ton ombre je repose et j’espère.

Sœur Marie Adèle Joseph Brice.

Morte le 5 juillet 1896

à l’âge de 66 ans. »



Le jour de sa mort, Sœur Adèle Brice a prononcé ces mots :

« Je me réjouis de ce qui m’a été dit. Nous irons dans la Maison du Seigneur. »

“I rejoiced in what was said to me. We shall go into the house of the Lord”.





Le 8 décembre dernier, en la fête de l’Immaculée Conception, Mgr David Ricken, évêque de Green Bay (Wisconsin), faisait paraître un décret officiel stipulant notamment :


« Je déclare avec certitude morale et en conformité avec les normes de l’Église que les événements, apparitions et locutions adressées à Adèle Brise en octobre 1859 manifestent la substance d’un caractère supranaturel et en conséquence je reconnais ces apparitions comme dignes d’être crues (mais sans obligation) par les fidèles chrétiens. »


C’est la première apparition mariale officiellement reconnue aux États-Unis.

À trois reprises, en octobre 1859, la Vierge Marie apparut à une jeune immigrée belge de 28 ans,Adèle Brise, vivant avec ses parents dans le Wisconsin à Robinsonville (rebaptisée Champion en 1890, six ans avant la naissance au Ciel de la voyante). Lors de la troisième apparition la Vierge Marie s’identifia comme « la Reine des Cieux qui prie pour la conversion de pécheurs », lui demanda de faire de même et lui donna aussi une autre mission : « Rassemble les enfants de ce pays à l’état sauvage, et enseigne-leur ce qu’ils devront savoir pour obtenir le salut (…) Va et ne crains rien. Je t’aiderai ». Une double mission que la jeune fille devenue tertiaire franciscaine accomplit scrupuleusement. Sur le lieu de cette apparition fut édifiée une chapelle placée sous l’invocation de Notre-Dame du Bon Secours (Our Lady of Good Help) à Champion : ce sanctuaire attire depuis 150 ans de très nombreux et fervents pèlerins.

Après deux années d’enquêtes, Mgr Ricken a donc reconnu la véracité de ces apparitions mariales.

Une autre apparition mariale, serait celle accordée par la Vierge Marie à la religieuse Mildred Neutzille 25 septembre 1956 dans son couvent de Rome City (Indiana). Cette apparition est connue et révérée aux États-Unis comme celle de « Notre Dame d’Amérique » (Our Lady of America). « Rien, pour le moment, ne s’oppose » à la dévotion des fidèles quant a cette apparition précisait la Congrégation pour la doctrine de la foi, mais ce n’est pas, pour autant, sa reconnaissance officielle comme celle à laquelle vient de procéder Mgr Ricken pour Our Lady of Good Help, l’évêque de Green Bay qui vient, assez providentiellement, d’être élu, en novembre dernier, président de la commission de la conférence épiscopale pour l’évangélisation et la catéchèse…


Source : http://www.americatho.org



Note : D'autres apparitions et révélations privées de la Sainte-Vierge (Our Lady of America) ont été rapportées par Soeur Mary Mildred Neuzil (utilisant alors le nom de Soeur Mary Ephrem).

Les messages de Notre-Dame d'Amérique ont notamment eu lieu en 1956 dans la Chapelle "Our Lady Mother of Mercy Chapel in Rome City", dans l'Indiana.




Évêque de Green Bay (Wisconsin), Mgr Ricken

Bishop David Ricken of Green Bay, WI





Source principale de l'article : http://www.zenit.org







"150 ans de dévotion populaire dans le Wisconsin


ROME, Vendredi 10 décembre 2010 (ZENIT.org) - Au cours de la fête de l'Immaculée Conception, patronne des Etats-Unis, a été approuvé officiellement au niveau diocésain, le culte des apparitions de la Vierge dans le Wisconsin.

La lecture du décret a été faite au d'une messe spéciale, mercredi dernier, au sanctuaire de Champion, par l'évêque du lieu, Mgr David Ricken. « Je déclare avec certitude morale et conformément aux normes de l'Eglise que le contenu des faits, des apparitions et des propos reçus par Adele Brise en octobre 1859 sont de nature surnaturelle, et par la présente, approuve ces apparitions comme dignes de foi - bien que non obligatoires - pour les fidèles chrétiens ».


Par cette déclaration du 8 décembre, le sanctuaire de Notre-Dame du Bon Secours à Champion devient le seul et unique lieu des Etats-Unis où une apparition de la Vierge Marie est approuvée officiellement.


Récit des apparitions

Ces apparitions, qui se sont vérifiées à trois reprises en 1859, ont été rapportées par une jeune immigrée de Belgique, Adele Brise (1831-1896).

La première apparition de la Vierge a eu lieu en octobre. Adèle raconte avoir vu une femme vêtue de blanc, un blanc aveuglant, portant une ceinture jaune autour de la taille et une couronne d'étoiles sur la tête.


Après quelques instants, la vision s'était estompée et la Vierge avait disparu sans dire un mot à la jeune femme.


Le dimanche suivant, nouvelle apparition de la vierge à Adèle tandis que celle-ci se rend à la messe. A l'issue de la célébration, la jeune femme raconte ces apparitions à son confesseur. Ce dernier lui dit que si cette dame est une messagère du ciel elle reviendra. Il l'invite donc à lui demander au nom de Dieu qui elle et ce qu'elle attend d'elle.


Sur le chemin de retour chez elle, la Vierge lui apparaît à nouveau et Adèle lui pose ses questions.

La Vierge lui répond alors : « Je suis la Reine du Ciel qui prie pour la conversion des pécheurs, et je désire que tu fasses comme moi ». « Tu as reçu la sainte communion ce matin et c'est bien mais tu dois faire davantage. Fais une confession générale et offre la Communion pour la conversion des pécheurs. S'ils ne se convertissent pas et ne font pas pénitence, mon Fils se verra obligé de les punir ».


Une des femmes qui se trouvaient avec Adèle lui demande à qui elle parle et pourquoi elles ne voient personne.


« Agenouillez-vous », leur dit Adèle, « la dame dit qu'elle est la Reine du Ciel ». Devant cette scène, la Vierge pose son regard sur les amies de la jeune femme et dit : « Heureux ceux qui croient sans voir ».


La Dame en blanc continue : « Que fais-tu ici à ne rien faire alors que tes amies travaillent dans la vigne de mon Fils ? ».


« Que puis-je faire d'autre, ma bien aimée Dame ? », demande Adèle.


« Réunis les enfants de ce pays sauvage et apprends-leur ce qu'ils devraient savoir pour avoir la vie sauve ».


« Comment puis-je leur apprendre ce que je connais si peu moi-même? », réplique Adèle.


« Enseigne-leur le catéchisme, à faire le signe de la croix et à avoir recours aux sacrements ; tel est mon souhait », dit la dame. « Vas et ne crains rien. Je t'aiderai ».


Le père d'Adèle élèvera une petite chapelle sur le lieu de l'apparition. La jeune femme quant à elle continuera à faire ce que Notre-Dame lui a demandé, jusqu'à sa mort, survenue en 1896.




L'approbation des apparitions par Mgr Ricken est arrivée après une enquête qui aura duré près de deux ans, son lancement ayant eu lieu en janvier 2009.

Le diocèse de Green Bay a publié sur son site des informations sur les apparitions dans l'Eglise.


Les documents expliquent que c'est l'évêque diocésain et non le Saint-Siège ou la conférence épiscopale qui a la responsabilité de juger de l'authenticité des apparitions survenues dans son diocèse.


Il est également dit que les apparitions présumées ne sont pas toutes approuvées par l'Eglise, et qu'aux Etats-Unis, par exemple, de prétendus événements de ce type à Necedah (Wisconsin) et Bayside (New York) ont été déclarés faux après examens.


« Personne ne peut prouver le surnaturel », rappelle la déclaration. « L'Eglise juge les apparitions sur la base de leur conformité aux Ecritures, à la sainte tradition et aux enseignements de l'Eglise, aux bénéfices spirituels qui en découlent dans la vie des personnes, évaluant s'il y a quelque chose dans la vie du voyant qui dément la crédibilité du récit »."






Prière à Notre Dame de Bon Secours

ou du Bon Secours


Ô Sainte Vierge Marie qui, pour nous inspirer une confiance sans bornes, avez voulu prendre le nom si doux de Mère de Bon Secours, je Vous supplie de me secourir en tout temps et en tout lieu, dans mes tentations, après mes chutes, dans mes difficultés, dans toutes les misères de la vie et surtout au moment de ma mort.

Donnez-moi, Ô Charitable Mère, la pensée et l'habitude de recourir toujours à Vous, car je suis sur que si je Vous invoque fidèlement, Vous serez fidèle à me secourir. Procurez-moi donc cette Grâce des grâces, la Grâce de Vous prier sans cesse et avec la confiance d'un enfant, afin que, par la vertu de cette prière fidèle, j'obtienne Votre Perpétuel Secours et la persévérance finale.

Bénissez-moi, Ô tendre et secourable Mère, et priez pour moi, maintenant, et à l'heure de ma mort.

Ainsi soit-il.



Soeur Marie Adèle Joseph Brice

en bas à droite




Sanctuaire Notre-Dame de Bon Secours

Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help

4047 Chapel Drive

New Franken, WI 54229


Phone: (920) 866-2571


E-mail: chapel000@centurytel.net


Web site: http://www.shrineofourladyofgoodhelp.com






Decree on the Authenticity of the Apparitions of 1859 in Champion, WI



The following is Adèle's own narrative in the words of Sister Pauline LaPlante to whom she had often told her story, and who in turn has recorded it for prosperity. (The original manuscript of this account of Sister Adèle written by Sister Pauline is preserved in the archives of the Sisters of Saint Francis of Bay Settlement.)


"It was in the early part of October that Adèle saw our Blessed Mother for the first time. Reverend William De Kelver told me that it was in 1858. Adèle was going to a small grist mill about four miles from here with a sack of wheat on her head. She was following an Indian trail that passed here where the Chapel now stands. The trail led towards Dykesville and branched off to Bay Settlement. At that time this was all a wilderness. As she came near the place where the Chapel now stands, she saw a lady all in white standing between two trees, one a maple and the other a hemlock. Adèle was frightened and stood still. The vision slowly disappeared leaving a little white cloud after it. Adèle continued on her errand, and returned home without seeing anything more. She told her parents what had happened, and they wondered what it could be; maybe a Poor Soul who needed prayers.

On the following Sunday she had to pass here again on her way to Mass at Bay Settlement which was the nearest place she had to attend Mass, and that was about eleven miles from her home. Despite the great distance or the inclemency of the weather, Adèle would never miss Mass on Sunday. This time she was not alone, but was accompanied by her sister, Isabella, and a Mrs. Theresa Vander Niessen. When they came near the trees the same lady in white was at the place where Adèle had seen her before. Adèle was again frightened, and said as a reproach, "Oh, that Lady is there again!" Adèle had not the courage to go on. The other two did not see anything, but they could tell by Adèle's looks that she was afraid. They thought it must be a Pour Soul that needed prayers. They waited a few minutes and Adèle told them that it was gone. It had disappeared as the first time, and all she could see was a little mist or white cloud. They went to Mass and Adèle went to confession, and told the priest how she had been frightened at the sight of the lady in white. He bade her not to fear, and asked her to speak of it out of the confessional, and so she did. Reverend William Verhoeff told her not to be troubled, that it would not harm her, and that if it were something from God she would see it again, and not to be afraid, but to ask in God's name who it was and what it desired of her? After that Adèle had more courage. She started homeward with her two companions and a man who was clearing land for the Holy Cross Fathers at Bay Settlement.

When they came near this place, Adèle's heart beat fast for this time through the trees she could clearly see a beautiful lady all clothed in dazzling white, with a yellow sash around her waist. Her dress fell to her feet in graceful folds. She had a crown of stars around her head, and her long wavy golden hair fell loosely over her shoulders; such a heavenly light shone round her that Adèle could hardly look at her sweet face.

This time Adèle was not frightened, but was filled with joy and peace. As soon as she came near enough, she knelt and spoke as the Father had advised her to do.

"In God's name, who are you and what do you desire of me?"

Our Blessed Mother answered, "I am the Queen of the Heavens, who prays for the conversion of sinners, and I wish you to do the same." She continued in her soft, sweet voice, "You were at Holy Communion this morning?"

"Yes, dear Lady," answered Adèle.

"You have done well, but I wish you to do more. Pray for nine days. Go and make a general confession, and offer your Holy Communion for the conversion of sinners. If they do not convert themselves, and do penance, my Son will be obliged to punish them."

In the meantime her companions were anxious to know to whom she was speaking.

"Who is it, Adèle?" they inquired. "Is it a Poor Soul from Belgium, or who is it?"

Adèle told them to kneel because the Lady said she was the Queen of the Heavens. one of the women commenced to cry and lament saying, "Oh, why are we so unhappy not to see her as you do?"

Adèle saw our Blessed Mother turn and look kindly at the women and say, "Blessed are they that believe and do not see."

Then turning to Adèle she said, "What are you doing here in idleness, while your companions are working in the vineyard of my Son?"

Adèle answered weeping, "What more can I do, dear Lady?"

"Teach the children," replied the Lady.

"How shall I teach them who know so little myself," said Adèle.

"I do not mean the science of the world; teach them their catechism, that they may know and love my Son; otherwise the people here will lose their faith," answered the Lady.

"With God's grace, and the help of your intercession I promise, dear Lady, to be faithful to what you bid me," answered Adèle.

"Go and fear nothing. I will help you," replied the Lady.

Then our dear Mother raised her eyes and hands heavenward, and slowly rose upward, surrounded by a light smokelike incense. The last Adèle saw of her was as if she were asking a blessing on those that were kneeling at her feet. Adèle saw nothing more, but fell on her face in a faint. Her companions tried to soothe and revive her. The man went to a little creek nearby to wet a cloth and fetch her some water.

As soon as she came to herself, they walked on toward home and because Adèle was still weak they rested at the first house to which they came. The people were all astonished at the news. Most of them believed it, but some thought she was out of her mind. It was not long, however, before Adèle, faithful to her promise, commenced to gather the children about her and to instruct them in their religion.

Shortly afterwards her father, Lambert Brice, built a little log chapel ten by twelve feet near the place of the apparition. As a young girl I knelt in the dear little chapel, and sang with Adèle her favorite hymn in French; "Chantons le nom admirable de la Reine des Cieux", or "Let Us Sing the Praises of the Admirable Name of the Queen of Heaven."

Sister Adèle used to go from here to Little Sturgeon and gather the children together and instruct them in all that was necessary for their First Holy Communion. Then she would bring them to Bay Settlement to Father Daems who would admit them to their first Holy Communion. I remember as a child, she would come with her little band of children to Bay Settlement, and kneel at the foot of our Lady's altar, and sing with them sweet hymns to our Blessed Mother in French. Adèle had a sweet voice and possessed a charm that drew the young to her. I would kneel behind her and listen with a burning desire to follow her, but had not the courage to leave my dear Mother that I loved next to God for she was my all as my dear Father died when I was a child of three. After my dear Mother died, May 11, 1863, I visited Adèle oftener, but it is always a pleasure to look back to my first visit to the dear little chapel, when there was only a small log chapel ten by twelve, and only a small picture of the Immaculate Heart of Mary pinned on the wall. This picture was given to Adèle by her confessor, Reverend William Verhoeff, who had great regard for her.

For seven years Adèle continued to gather the children around her for religious instructions, but in 1864 Reverend Philip Crud advised her to ask the people to help her build a home, so that they could come to her instead of her going to seek them. He also advised her to induce other girls to join her as he thought it was our Blessed Mother's desire that she should start a community of Sisters that would continue her work after her death. So she did. Some girls came to her aid, and they did accomplish a great deal for thousands of children have been instructed by Sister Adèle and her helpers. I think she commenced in a farm house with a few companions.

One thing more must be said about good Sister Adèle. She often told us how grieved she was to leave Belgium because she intended to join some Sisters to whom she had gone to school when she made her First Holy Communion. She and five or six of her age had promised our Blessed Mother at their First Holy Communion that they would become religious and go to distant countries to instruct poor children. The other girls followed their vocations.

In the fifties, Adèle's parents took the notion to come to America, but would not hear of her staying back.

She prayed and begged them to let her remain to become a Sister, but her Mother said it would cause her death if she did not come with them. So Adèle went to the priest and asked what to do. He told her to mind her parents and that later on, if God so willed, she could become a Sister in America, and he promised to pray for her. So poor Adèle had to come to America to help and cheer her parents, who though poor were good God - fearing people. That was why Adèle felt so sorry when our Blessed Mother said to her, "What are you doing here in idleness when your companions are working in the vineyard of my Son?"

So many times we would gather around Sister Adèle and have her tell us of the apparition of our Blessed Mother. She would always tell in the self-same way how she saw her twice without our Blessed Mother saying a word, but that the third time she spoke to her, and gave her the message of instructing the children in their religion lest they should lose their faith.

I shall never forget my last meeting with Sister Adèle. We went into the chapel and prayed. I can still see the calm, serene, and happy look on the face of the good Sister as if a light from Heaven shone upon her.

Dear Sister had a great deal to suffer from some misunderstandings, especially from some of the clergy; but all this was to make her feel that this is not our true home, and she took it in good faith. I never heard her say an unkind word against them. She was always charitable and obedient. Her work prospered and she did a great deal of good. So she continued her loved mission until on July ,5, 1896, aged 66, her beautiful soul returned to its Maker.

Dear Sister Adèle, from your happy home above remember us.










“I encourage the faithful to frequent this holy place as a place of solace and answered prayer.” (Bishop Ricken).








"Our Lady Appeared in 1859 to Belgian Immigrant in Wisconsin


GREEN BAY, Wisconsin, DEC. 8, 2010 (Zenit.org).- On today's feast of the Immaculate Conception, patroness of the United States, apparitions of Our Lady in Wisconsin have been given official diocesan approval.


Reading from his decree at a special Mass today at the Champion, Wisconsin, shrine, Bishop David Ricken of Green Bay stated, "I declare with moral certainty and in accord with the norms of the Church that the events, apparitions and locutions given to Adele Brise in October of 1859 do exhibit the substance of supernatural character, and I do hereby approve these apparitions as worthy of belief -- although not obligatory -- by the Christian faithful."


Today’s declaration makes Our Lady of Good Help at Champion the first and only site in the United States of an approved apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.




The apparitions -- there were three -- occurred in 1859. Our Lady spoke with Adele Brise (1831-1896), a young immigrant from Belgium.


It was early October when Brise saw Our Lady the first time: a lady clothed in dazzling white, with a yellow sash around her waist and a crown of stars around her head.


The vision slowly disappeared after several moments, without speaking to Brise.


The following Sunday, Oct. 9, Brise was on her way to Mass when the Lady returned. After Mass, Brise had the chance to ask her confessor about the apparitions, and he told her that if it were a heavenly messenger, she would see it again. He encouraged her to ask in God’s name who it was and what it desired of her.


On the return trip home, Our Lady again appeared and Brise did as her confessor had recommended.


“I am the Queen of Heaven who prays for the conversion of sinners, and I wish you to do the same," the Lady responded to Brise's question. "You received Holy Communion this morning and that is well. But you must do more. Make a general confession and offer Communion for the conversion of sinners. If they do not convert and do penance, my Son will be obliged to punish them."


One of the women with Brise asked her with whom she was speaking and why they couldn't see anyone.


“Kneel,” said Brise, “the Lady says she is the Queen of Heaven.” At this, the Lady looked kindly at Brise's companions and said, "Blessed are they that believe without seeing.”


The Lady continued, “What are you doing here in idleness while your companions are working in the vineyard of my Son?”


“What more can I do, dear Lady?” Brise asked.


“Gather the children in this wild country and teach them what they should know for salvation.”


“But how shall I teach them who know so little myself?” Brise replied.


“Teach them their catechism, how to sign themselves with the sign of the cross, and how to approach the sacraments; that is what I wish you to do," the Lady said. "Go and fear nothing. I will help you.”


Brise's father built a small chapel on the site and Brise went about fulfilling Our Lady's mandate, a mission she continued until her death in 1896.




Bishop Ricken's approval comes after an almost two-year investigation of the events and their consequences, which he initiated in January 2009.


The Diocese of Green Bay has published information on its Web site regarding apparitions in the Church.


The statements clarify that it is a diocesan bishop and not the Holy See nor the episcopal conference that is responsible for judging the authenticity of apparitions that are said to have occurred in his diocese.


The statements further noted that not all alleged apparitions are given Church approval, and in the United States, for example, supposed apparitions at Necedah, Wisconsin, and Bayside, New York, were examined and declared to be false.


"No one can prove the supernatural," the statement recalled. "The Church judges apparitions on the basis of their consistency with sacred Scripture, sacred Tradition and the teachings of the Church, the subsequent spiritual benefits in the lives of people, and whether there is anything in the life of the seer that detracts from the credibility of the account."





















Prayer To Our Lady Of Perpetual Help


Mother of Perpetual Help, You have been blessed and favored by God. You became not only the Mother of the Redeemer, but the Mother of the redeemed as well. We come to You today as your loving children. Watch over us and take care of us. As You held the Child Jesus in Your Loving arms, so take us in Your arms. Be a mother ready at every moment to help us. For God who is mighty has done great things for You, and His Mercy is from age to age on those who love Him. Our greatest fear is that in time of temptation, we may fail to call out to You, and become lost children. Intercede for us, dear Mother, in obtaining pardon for our sins, love for Jesus, final perseverance, and the Grace always to call upon you, Mother of Perpetual Help. Amen.






Our Lady of Good Help - WI, Shrine Brochure











"La Virgen se apareció a una inmigrante belga en 1859 en Wisconsin


GREEN BAY, jueves 9 de diciembre de 2010 (ZENIT.org).- Durante la fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción, patrona de Estados Unidos, se dio la aprobación diocesana oficial a las apariciones de Nuestra Señora en Wisconsin.

Durante la lectura del decreto, ayer durante una misa especial en el santuario de Champion, monseñor David Ricken, obispo de Green Bay, afirmó: "declaro con certeza moral y de acuerdo con las normas de la Iglesia que los acontecimientos, apariciones y locuciones dadas a Adele Brise en octubre de 1859 presentan la sustancia de carácter sobrenatural, y yo por la presente apruebo estas apariciones como dignas de fe - aunque no obligatorias - para los fieles cristianos".

La declaración de ayer convierte al santuario de Nuestra Señora del Socorroo en Champion el primer y único lugar en Estados Unidos de una aparición de la Virgen María aprobada oficialmente.


Las apariciones – hubo tres – tuvieron lugar en 1859. Nuestra Señora habló con Adele Brise (1831-1896), una jovene inmigrante de Bélgica.

Fue a principios de octubre cuando Brise vio a la Virgen por primera vez: una señora vestida de blanco deslumbrante, con una banda amarilla alrededor de su cintura y una corona de estrellas en torno a su cabeza.

La visión desapareció lentamente después de unos momentos, sin hablar con Brise.

El siguiente domingo, 9 de octubre, Brise iba a Misa cuando la Señora volvió. Después de la Misa, Brise tuvo la oportunidad de preguntar a su confesor sobre las apariciones, y él le dijo que si era un mensajero del cielo, volvería a verlo. Le animó a preguntarle en el nombre de Dios quien era y qué quería de ella.

En el camino de vuelta a casa, Nuestra Señora volvió a aparecerse y Brise hizo como su confesor le había recomendado.

“Soy la Reina del Cielo que reza por la conversión de los pecadores, y deseo que tu hagas lo mismo”, respondió la Señora a la pregunta de Brise. “Recibiste la Santa Comunión esta mañana y eso está bien. Pero debes hacer más. Haz una confesión general y ofrece la Comunión por la conversión de los pecadores. Si no se convierten y hacen penitencia, mi Hijo se verá obligado a castigarles”.

Una de las mujeres que estaban con Brise le preguntaron con quién hablaba y por qué ellas no podían ver a nadie.

“Arrodillaos”, dijo Brise, “la Señora dice que es la Reina del Cielo”. Ante eso, la Señora miró amablemente a las compañeras de Brise y dijo: “Bienaventurados los que creen sin ver”.

La Señora prosiguió: “¿Qué haces aquí ociosa mientras tus compañeras trabajan en la viña de mi Hijo?”


“¿Qué más puedo hacer, querida Señora?” preguntó Brise.


“Reúne a los niños de este salvaje país y enséñales lo que deberían saber para salvarse”.


“¿Pero cómo les enseñaré lo que yo misma conozco tan poco?” replicó Brise.

“Enséñales su catecismo, cómo signarse con el signo de la cruz, y cómo acercarse a los sacramentos; esto es lo que deseo que hagas”, dijo la Señora. “Ve y no temas nada. Yo te ayudaré”.

El padre de Brise construyó una pequeña capilla en el lugar y Brise siguió cumpliendo el mandato de Nuestra Señora, una misión que siguió hasta su muerte en 1896.




La aprobación de monseñor Ricken llega después de una investigación de casi dos años sobre los acontecimientos y sus consecuencias, que comenzó en enero de 2009.


La diócesis de Green Bay ha publicado en su página web material sobre apariciones en la Iglesia.

Los documentos aclaran que es el obispo diocesano y no la Santa Sede ni la conferencia episcopal, el responsable de juzgar la autenticidad de las apariciones que presuntamente tienen lugar en su diócesis.

También se observa que no todas las supuestas apariciones son aprobadas por la Iglesia, y que en Estados Unidos, por ejemplo, supuestas apariciones en Necedah (Wisconsin), y Bayside (Nueva York), fueron examinadas y declaradas falsas.

"Nadie puede probar lo sobrenatural" recuerda la declaración. “La Iglesia juzga las apariciones en base a su consistencia con la sagrada Escritura, la sagrada Tradición y las enseñanzas de la Iglesia, los sibsiguientes beneficios espirituales en las vidas de las personas, y si hay algo en la vida del vidente que desmiente la credibilidad del relato”."











"Die Muttergottes erschien im Jahre 1859 einer belgischen Immigrantin in Wisconsin


GREEN BAY, Wisconsin, 10. Dezember 2010 (Zenit.org).- Am Festtag der Unbefleckten Empfängnis, Patronin der Vereinigten Staaten, wurden die Erscheinungen Unserer Lieben Frau in Wisconsin von der Diözese offiziell anerkannt.


Bischof David Ricken von Green Bay verkündete diese Entscheidung im Rahmen einer besonderen Messe im Wallfahrtsort Champion, Wisconsin, indem er aus dem Dekret vorlas: „Mit moralischer Gewissheit und in Übereinstimmung mit den Normen der Kirche erkläre ich, dass die Ereignisse, Erscheinungen und Reden an Adele Brise im Oktober des Jahres 1859 übernatürlichen Charakter aufweisen, und hiermit bestätige ich den Gläubigen, dass diese Erscheinungen glaubwürdig sind - wenngleich der Glaube an sie nicht obligatorisch ist."


Mit dieser Erklärung wurde das Marienheiligtum von Unserer Lieben Frau von der Guten Hilfe in Champion zum ersten und einzigen Wallfahrtsort in den Vereinigten Staaten erklärt, wo die Erscheinungen der heiligen Jungfrau Maria kirchlich anerkannt sind.


Die drei Erscheinungen ereigneten sich im Jahre 1859. Die Jungfrau Maria sprach mit Adele Brise (1831-1896), einer jungen Immigrantin aus Belgien. Es war Anfang Oktober, als Brise die Muttergottes das erste Mal sah: eine Frau in blendend weißem Gewand, mit einer gelben Schärpe um die Taille und einer Sternenkrone um ihr Haupt. Die Vision verschwand langsam nach einigen Momenten, ohne Brise anzusprechen.

Am darauffolgenden Sonntag, den 9. Oktober, war Brise auf dem Weg zur Messe, als die Dame ihr wieder erschien. Nach der Messe nahm Brise die Gelegenheit wahr, um ihren Beichtvater über die Erscheinungen zu befragen, und er sagte zu ihr, dass sie sie wiedersehen werde, wenn es sich um eine Himmelsbotin handelte. Er ermutigte sie, die Person in Gottes Namen zu fragen, wer sie sei und was sie von ihr wünsche. Auf dem Nachhauseweg erschien ihr Unsere Liebe Frau erneut und Brise tat, wie es ihr Beichtvater empfohlen hatte.

Auf die Frage von Brise antwortete die Frau, „ich bin die Königin des Himmels, die für die Bekehrung der Sünder betet, und ich möchte, dass du dasselbe tust. Heute Morgen hast du die heilige Kommunion empfangen, und das ist gut so. Aber Du musst noch mehr tun. Leg eine Generalbeichte ab, und biete Gott deinen Kommunionempfang für die Bekehrung der Sünder an. Wenn sie sich nicht bekehren und Buße tun wollen, wird mein Sohn genötigt sein, sie zu bestrafen."

Eine der Frauen, die mit Brise unterwegs waren, fragte, mit wem sie spreche und warum sie niemanden sehen könne. Brise sagte zu ihnen: „Kniet nieder, denn die Frau sagt, sie ist die Königin des Himmels." Dann blickte die Frau freundlich auf die Gefährten von Brise und sagte:„Selig sind, die nicht sehen und doch glauben."

Die Frau fuhr fort: „Was machst du hier in Müßiggang, während deine Gefährten im Weinberg meines Sohnes arbeiten?" „Was kann ich noch mehr tun, liebe Frau?" fragte Brise. „Sammle die Kinder in diesem wilden Land und lehr sie, was sie für ihr Seelenheil wissen müssen." Brise antwortete ihr: „Aber wie kann ich sie unterrichten, wenn ich selbst so wenig weiß?" „Lehr sie ihren Katechismus, wie sie das Kreuz machen und die Sakramente empfangen müssen; das ist es, was ich von dir erbitte. Geh nur, und hab keine Angst. Ich werde dir helfen", sagte die Frau.

Brises Vater baute eine kleine Kapelle auf dem Gelände, und sie machte sich an die Arbeit, den Auftrag, den sie von der Muttergottes erhalten hatte, zu erfüllen. Sie lebte ihre Sendung bis zu ihrem Tode im Jahre 1896.

Die Anerkennung dieser Erscheinungen durch Bischof Ricken erfolgte nach einer fast zweijährigen Untersuchung der Ereignisse und deren Folgen, die im Januar 2009 eingeleitet worden sind. Die Diözese von Green Bay hat auf ihrer Website Informationen zu den Erscheinungen in der Kirche veröffentlicht.

Diese Aussagen verdeutlichen, dass der Diözesanbischof für die Beurteilung der Echtheit der Erscheinungen in seiner Diözese verantwortlich ist und nicht der Heilige Stuhl oder die Bischofskonferenz. Ferner weisen sie darauf hin, dass nicht alle vorgeblichen Erscheinungen von der Kirche anerkannt werden. So wurden zum Beispiel in den Vereinigten Staaten andere Erscheinungen in Necedah, Wisconsin, und Bayside, New York, untersucht und für unecht erklärt.

Das Dekret erinnert daran, dass „niemand das Übernatürliche beweisen kann. Die Kirche beurteilt Erscheinungen anhand ihrer Übereinstimmung mit der Heiligen Schrift, Tradition und Lehre der Kirche sowie ihrem späteren geistlichen Nutzen im Leben der Menschen, und ob es im Leben des Sehers etwas gibt, was das Ganze unglaubwürdig macht."











"A Virgem Maria apareceu a uma imigrante belga em 1859, em Wisconsin


GREEN BAY, quinta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2010 (ZENIT.org) - Durante a festa da Imaculada Conceição, padroeira dos Estados Unidos, foi dada a aprovação diocesana oficial às aparições de Nossa Senhora em Wisconsin.

Durante a leitura do decreto, ontem, durante uma Missa especial no Santuário de Champion, Dom David Ricken, bispo de Green Bay, disse: "Declaro, com certeza moral e de acordo com as normas da Igreja, que os acontecimentos, aparições e locuções dadas a Adele Brise, em outubro de 1859, apresentam a substância de caráter sobrenatural, e eu, pela presente, aprovo tais aparições como dignas de fé - ainda que não obrigatórias - para os fiéis cristãos".

A declaração de ontem converteu o santuário de Nossa Senhora do Socorro de Champion no primeiro e único lugar nos Estados Unidos de uma aparição da Virgem Maria oficialmente aprovada.


As aparições - foram três - ocorreram em 1859. Nossa Senhora falou com Adele Brise (1831-1896), uma jovem imigrante de origem belga.

Foi no começo de outubro quando Brise viu a Virgem pela primeira vez: uma Senhora vestida de branco deslumbrante, com uma faixa amarela na cintura e uma coroa de estrelas na cabeça.

A visão desapareceu lentamente depois de alguns instantes, sem falar com Brise.

No domingo seguinte, 9 de outubro, Brise estava indo à Missa quando a Senhora voltou. Depois da Missa, Brise teve a oportunidade de perguntar ao seu confessor sobre as aparições, e ele lhe disse que, se era uma mensageira do céu, ela a veria novamente. Ele a encorajou a perguntar-lhe, em nome de Deus, quem era e o que queria dela.

No caminho de volta para casa, Nossa Senhora apareceu novamente e Brise fez o que seu confessor tinha recomendado.

"Eu sou a Rainha do Céu, que reza pela conversão dos pecadores, e desejo que faças o mesmo - respondeu a Senhora à pergunta de Brise. Recebeste a Sagrada Comunhão nesta manhã e isso é bom. Mas deves fazer mais. Faze uma confissão geral e oferece a Comunhão pela conversão dos pecadores. Se não se converterem e fizerem penitência, meu Filho vai ser obrigado a castigá-los."

Uma das mulheres que estavam com Brise lhe perguntou com quem ela estava falando e por que elas não conseguiam ver ninguém.

"Ajoelhem-se - disse Brise -, a Senhora disse que é a Rainha do Céu." Diante disso, a Senhora olhou amavelmente para as companheiras de Brise e disse: "Bem-aventurados os que creem sem ver".

A Senhora continuou: "O que fazes aqui parada, enquanto tuas companheiras trabalham na vinha do meu Filho?".

"O que mais posso fazer, querida Senhora?", perguntou Brise.

"Reúne as crianças deste país selvagem e mostra-lhes o que deveriam saber para salvar-se."

"Mas como lhes ensinarei o que eu mesma sei tão pouco?", replicou Brise.

"Ensina-lhes seu catecismo, como fazer o sinal da cruz e como se aproximar dos sacramentos; isso é o que eu desejo que faças - disse a Senhora. Vai e não tenhas medo. Eu te ajudarei."

O pai de Brise construiu uma pequena capela no local e ela continuou cumprindo o mandato de Nossa Senhora, uma missão que continuou até sua morte, em 1896.

A aprovação de Dom Ricken chegou depois de uma investigação de quase dois anos - desde janeiro de 2009 - sobre os acontecimentos e suas consequências.

A diocese de Green Bay postou em seu site material sobre aparições na Igreja.

Os documentos esclarecem que é o bispo diocesano, e não a Santa Sé ou a conferência episcopal, o responsável por julgar a autenticidade das aparições que supostamente acontecem em sua diocese.

Também se observa que nem todas as supostas aparições são aprovadas pela Igreja, e que nos Estados Unidos, por exemplo, supostas aparições em Necedah (Wisconsin) e Bayside (Nova York) foram examinadas e declaradas falsas.

"Ninguém pode provar o sobrenatural - recorda a declaração. A Igreja julga as aparições com base na sua coerência com as Sagradas Escrituras, com a Sagrada Tradição e com os ensinamentos da Igreja, nos benefícios espirituais subsequentes na vida das pessoas, e se há algo na vida do vidente que desmente a credibilidade do relato."










"Apparve a un'immigrata belga nel 1859 nel Wisconsin


GREEN BAY, giovedì, 9 dicembre 2010 (ZENIT.org).- Durante la festa dell'Immacolata Concezione, patrona degli Stati Uniti, è stata data l'approvazione diocesana ufficiale alle apparizioni della Madonna nel Wisconsin.


Durante la lettura del decreto, questo mercoledì nel corso di una Messa speciale nel Santuario di Champion, monsignor David Ricken, Vescovo di Green Bay, ha affermato: “Dichiaro con certezza morale e in base alle norme della Chiesa che gli eventi, le apparizioni e i discorsi ricevuti da Adele Brise nell'ottobre 1859 presentano sostanza di carattere soprannaturale, e io con la presente approvo queste apparizioni come degne di fede – anche se non obbligatorie – per i fedeli cristiani”.


La dichiarazione di questo mercoledì trasforma il santuario di Nostra Signora del Soccorso a Champion nel primo e unico luogo negli Stati Uniti di un'apparizione della Vergine Maria approvata ufficialmente.




Le apparizioni – se ne sono verificate tre – hanno avuto luogo nel 1859. La Madonna parlò ad Adele Brise (1831-1896), una giovane immigrata del Belgio.


All'inizio di ottobre la Brise vide la Vergine per la prima volta: una signora vestita di un bianco abbagliante, con una fascia gialla intorno alla vita e una corona di stelle sulla testa.


La visione scomparve lentamente dopo qualche momento, senza parlare alla Brise.


La domenica successiva, il 9 ottobre, la donna si stava recando a Messa quando la Signora tornò Dopo la celebrazione, la Brise ebbe l'opportunità di chiedere al suo confessore delle apparizioni, e egli le disse che se era una messaggera del cielo l'avrebbe rivista. La esortò a chiederle nel nome di Dio chi fosse e che cosa voleva da lei.


Tornando a casa, la Madonna apparve di nuovo, e Adele Brise fece come le aveva raccomandato il suo confessore.


“Sono la Regina del Cielo che prega per la conversione dei peccatori, e desidero che tu faccia lo stesso”, rispose la Signora alla domanda della Brise. “Hai ricevuto la Santa Comunione questa mattina e questo va bene, ma devi fare di più. Fai una confessione generale e offri la Comunione per la conversione dei peccatori. Se non si convertono e non fanno penitenza, mio Figlio si vedrà costretto a punirli”.


Una delle donne che erano con la Brise le chiese con chi parlasse e perché loro non riuscivano a vedere nessuno.


“Inginocchiatevi”, disse la Brise, “la Signora dice di essere la Regina del Cielo”. Di fronte a questo, la Signora guardò gentilmente le compagne della donna e disse: “Beati coloro che credono senza vedere”.


La Signora proseguì: “Che fai qui in ozio mentre le tue compagne lavorano nella vigna di mio Figlio?”.


“Che cos'altro posso fare, amata Signora?”, chiese la Brise.


“Riunisci i figli di questo Paese selvaggio e insegna loro quello che dovrebbero sapere per salvarsi”.


“Come potrò insegnare loro ciò che io stessa conosco così poco?”, replicò la donna.


“Insegna loro il catechismo, come fare il segno della croce e come avvicinarsi ai sacramenti; è questo che voglio che tu faccia”, disse la Signora. “Vai e non temere nulla. Io ti aiuterò”.


Il padre della Brise costruì una piccola cappella in quel luogo, e la donna continuò a fare ciò che Nostra Signora le aveva detto, missione che portò avanti fino alla morte, nel 1896.




L'approvazione del Vescovo Ricken arriva dopo un'indagine sugli eventi e le loro conseguenze durata quasi due anni, essendo iniziata nel gennaio 2009.


La Diocesi di Green Bay ha pubblicato sul suo sito web materiale sulle apparizioni nella Chiesa.


I documenti spiegano che è il Vescovo diocesano e non la Santa Sede o la Conferenza Episcopale ad avere la responsabilità di giudicare l'autenticità delle apparizioni che si dice siano avvenute nella sua Diocesi.


Si osserva anche che non tutte le presunte apparizioni sono approvate dalla Chiesa, e che negli Stati Uniti, ad esempio, presunti eventi di questo tipo a Necedah (Wisconsin) e Bayside (New York) sono stati esaminati e dichiarati falsi.


“Nessuno può provare il soprannaturale”, ricorda la dichiarazione. “La Chiesa giudica le apparizioni in base alla loro conformità alla Sacra Scrittura, alla sacra Tradizione e agli insegnamenti della Chiesa, e ai benefici spirituali derivanti nella vita delle persone, considerando se ci sia qualcosa nella vita del veggente che smentisce la credibilità del racconto”."



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